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Mayoral candidate for Townsville has issued this statement

Jenny Hill transparency fails its first test!!

On Friday at the North Queensland Retirees Mayoral discussion, Mayor Jenny Hill let slip her team had set up a company to facilitate the proposed housing development at the contaminated Northern Rails Yards.

Mayoral candidate Troy Thompson asked Mayor Hill to explain more about the company. “Mayor Hill, this company, that you have just advised us of, who are the shareholders? Who is the director, and board? Should this not be publicly transparent?”

The Mayor clarified the company, was solely owned by way of shares by Townsville City Council, and they had elected someone to run the company. The issue then being, who pays for this company and are there paid employees, consultants?

 Mr Thompson said. “My concern is, that as a ratepayer, I did not know the Mayor was opening companies at will, putting ratepayer funds toward a concept policy, when she has not been re-elected yet.’ ‘Clearly, the Mayor feels she has the right to spend ratepayer money without even a public notification of said plans.’  

 Mr Thompson added “It’s election time, and Jenny Hill is rolling out advertising, policies and more promises that we have all heard before, her most recent being she will be more transparent. This Mayor has been in council for 20 years and 12 as Mayor, she knows the system, she has bought party politics into local government, and she shut down the only 2 independent councillors, Sue Blom and Fran O’Callighan in her chamber. With eight Team Jenny Hill councillors, it gives Jenny Hill all the power and if you are not in line with Team Jenny Hill, you are not heard, her say is final.”

Mr. Thompson concluded by saying "Mayor Hill continues to read her prepared notes to voters, avoiding debates and confrontation, she is not good under pressure and she has shown that when challenged. The Mayor did not even have the decency to stay until her opposite, Troy Thompson was heard at the Mayoral discussion for MIRRA, Magnetic Island Residents and Ratepayers.

As soon as she had spoken, she left, that is the respect this Mayor has for her voters, zero. Councillor Greaney was left to fend off the many locals who wanted answers after having so many promises over 2-3 terms, and very little done. Councillor Greaney admitted attending 30 meetings, listening, but that is where it ended, note taking, it was very

clear to the MIRRA community the Mayor and her team are out of touch."

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