Debbie Denison
Over the past couple of years there have been a spate of attacks on trees in various bays on Magnetic Island and locals are both bewildered and angry.
A spokesperson for TCC told the MCN “Townsville City Council is aware that the health of a number of trees on Magnetic Island has deteriorated faster than they should have. Council’s senior arborist inspected these trees in late December and found evidence that a number of trees had been vandalised.”
The latest trees to be vandalised are 3 large native Blackbutts (Eucalyptus pilularis) on Marine Parade Arcadia.
The spokesperson went on to say “The vandalism was brazen and a clear attack on the Magnetic Island habitat.
Council is investigating the vandalism and urges anyone with information to call 134810.”
Council continues to monitor the health of the trees.
The spokesperson concluded by saying “With trees of significance like these, Council’s priority is recovery and enforcement. However, in some instances, the tree may have deteriorated to a point where it cannot be saved, has become unsafe and may need to be removed.”
Photos: Debbie Denison