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Residents encouraged to say “G’day Neighbour”

PIctured above:THHS CEO Kieran Keyes and Townsville Mayor Jenny Hill with the G’Day Neighbour postcards.

Townsville City Council is encouraging residents to safely check-in on their neighbours as COVID-19 cases continue to climb across the region.

Council has made the “G’day Neighbour” postcard available for download for people to drop into letterboxes or email and let their neighbours know they’re thinking of them and available to help with things such as picking up groceries, walking their dog or posting mail.

Mayor Jenny Hill said the postcard was an excellent way for people to connect with residents on their street safely.

“The G’day Neighbour postcard is a simple way to let your neighbours know you are thinking about them in these uncertain times,” Cr Hill said.

“Some people have been left incredibly isolated due to the pandemic and don’t have a support network around them.

“These postcards are a great way to safely reach out to people and let them know you are available for a talk or to help if they need it.

“They also highlight ways people can make a positive difference in the community as well as providing phone numbers to outreach services like Lifeline and Beyond Blue.

“Council is particularly encouraging residents to reach out to the elderly and those who are vulnerable or isolated.”

Cr Hill said the postcard also highlights the best way to reduce the risk of getting COVID-19.

“The postcard urges people to wash their hands regularly, use hand sanitiser between washes and avoid touching their face, nose and mouth,” he said.

Townsville Hospital and Health Service Chief Executive Kieran Keyes said COVID-19 would likely impact most people in the community over the coming weeks.

‘‘We are encouraging everyone to make a COVID-19 Ready plan,’’ Mr Keyes said.

‘‘This includes preparing a COVID-19 kit, keeping in touch with your neighbours and taking care of one another.

‘‘We know there is significantly higher number of active cases in the community due to delays in testing and results.

‘‘If you have any COVID-19 symptoms, you should complete a PCR test as soon as possible.’’

Mr Keyes said it was widely known that vaccination and boosters were our best defence against COVID-19.

‘‘Now more than ever, it is essential to get vaccinated and receive a booster shot and, continue to use the Check In Qld app at every location you visit,’’ Mr Keyes said.

‘‘Getting your vaccination or booster is free and is available to everyone aged 12 and above. Find your nearest vaccination locations and opening times via the Queensland Health website.’’

Residents can download the G’day Neighbour postcard from the Townsville City Council website here, as well as find information on available local support services.

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