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November MIRRA Report


November 5, 2022, RSL CLUB, ARCADIA

A total of 68 people attended the November meeting, including Councillor Ann-Maree Greaney.

The Translink report on the Arcadia Bus Stop and other issue was tabled. There were only 134 island respondents.

President Cameron Turnbull has received from NPWS a flyer promoting the taking plenty of water while using island walking tracks and also a copy of the Management Statement for the island. Cameron has also received a copy of Beam scooters insurance policy and an email from Sealink justifying their recent fare increase.

Cr Ann-Maree took questions from the meeting re many issues.

Complaint about dog breeder neighbour who’s yard is a hideous stinking mess with lots of barking, noise etc. has been reported to council but apparently nothing done. Request for pool to be open to the public for 2 hours a day. Result of parking survey at NBH and Pacific Drive. Complaint of rattle pod vines behind the museum being vandalised. Cr Greaney announced that the Mens Shed at Horseshoe will move to old Navy Cadets base in Hurst St. Picnic Bay. Island Police say they have no authority over illegal camping – can only intervene if they are breaking other laws. One resident asked whether more long term rentals could be achieved if Air B+B ratings were changed. Request for a permanent library to be set up by council on the island. Request for a permanent camping area to be set up on the Island. Cr Greaney replied that Council had ‘no appetite to run a camping area’. Complaint about a neighbour in Nelly Bay who constantly lit illegal fires and was rude and aggressive when requested to stop. Request for steps and a rail to be installed on to the beach at HSB near the stinger net to allow older people to access and a rail be installed at existing steps onto the beach at the HSB boatramp. Request for residual soil and material from the road and drainage work done in Apjohn St., be made available to the golf club and other sporting/community groups for repairs and maintenance work. A tender for the new Picnic Bay public toilets will be released next week and Cr Greaney said the existing shelter shed was still being considered as a possible site but interested residents will be consulted before any decision is made. Request for a cemetery to re-established on the island. Cr Greaney said this matter (along with others at West End and Belgian Gardens) had come up at a recent committee meeting and was already being considered. The road adjacent to the extended and repaired walkway above Base Backpackers was again raised and Cr Greaney said she’ll be asking the contractors to return and properly repair it. Cr Greaney also said she was aware of work being done at Radical Bay by landowner Graham Juniper but was not aware of his intentions re the site.

All matters raised here not directly addressed at the meeting are already or will be addressed by council and responses supplied as they become available.

The end of bulk-billing by Clements Medical was raised and there were a number of unfavourable comments about this and other happenings at the practice. Although not a council issue Cr Greaney said the Mayor has agreed to help wherever she can.

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