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M.I.R.R.A. Report March 2022

The March meeting of the association was held on Saturday March 4, with 24 people in attendance and a number of issues were discussed.

The imminent resealing of the Horseshoe Bay Road is a matter of concern, as there is to be no correction of the drainage issues which have caused the deterioration of the road, which seems to be unproductive. The Council Engineer will be invited to the next meeting to address these concerns. At the same time, the head engineer in charge of the Apjohn Street drainage works will also be invited to address concerns about that project.

Councillor Greaney wrote to say that a meeting was to be held on March 9 to sort out the situation at the school pool

Notification of an Ergon workshop on the island’s energy needs on 27/28 March. The meeting was told that there had already been to a workshop on this matter in November with no apparent result.

Flyer from council advertising the proposed art installation of polished rocks in Picnic Bay was tabled. The meeting agreed this was a ridiculous idea when the island is full of picturesque rock formations. The president will write a letter to council informing them of this decision.

The matter of sewage disposal was discussed, as nothing appears to have progressed on the council proposal for the works above the golf club, decided upon after community consultation. Another question for the Council engineer at the next meeting.

A Horseshoe Bay resident enquired about the recent failure of the water supply to Horseshoe Bay. It was explained that a pipe rupture had caused it.

The current push to call Magnetic Island Yunbenun was discussed with some discussion as to whether this was the correct indigenous name. The president, who was involved in the Native Title claim, will check his files to find out.

There is still considerable concern about illegal camping on the island, but as yet there has been no action on the matter of the compliance officer. Ann-Maree Greaney is coming to the next meeting and will be asked about this.

The meeting was told that March 26 is Neighbour Day and the Horseshoe Bay Fire Brigade and SES would be celebrating this from 11 am to 1pm and Council representatives would be there. All are welcome.

Another Horseshoe Bay resident reported that the public toilets in Horseshoe Bay were too far from the bus stop and people were using the nearby bushes to relieve themselves.

The president noted the sad passing of Vicki Walker and Ian Cummin, expressing the meeting’s condolences to all family members of both.

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