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M.I.R.R.A report April 2022


April 2, 2022, RSL CLUB, ARCADIA

The President welcomed members and visitors, as well as Councillor Ann-Maree Greaney and two of the candidates for the Federal seat of Herbert in the upcoming Federal election – John Ring ALP and Clynton Hawks KAP.

The Treasurer reported a balance of $840 and the minutes of the March meeting were read and approved.

From the Reef Community Action Plan, funded by GBRMPA, notification of a public workshop for the Reef Monitoring Project on May 27 and 28. x

Senior Constable Brendan Nugent tabled a request for help with funding for the police to extend their CCTV coverage of the island, projected cost $5,700. The meeting agreed and President Cameron Turnbull will coordinate.

On the matter of the name Yunbenun, research is still underway.

Stephen Rodan introduced himself, having invented a robot, CHARM, to regrow coral and now having opened a business to utilise it for reef recovery.

Cr Greaney apologised for the fact that engineer Claudia Brassard could not attend as she was on holidays and her replacement had been taken ill. Discussions of engineering matters (Horseshoe Bay/Arcadia Road and Apjohn St drainage) would have to wait until the next meeting. Although it was reported that in today’s rain, the water had not run down the new drain but instead along the other side of the street where all the houses are.

Cr Greaney reported that a Compliance Officer for the island had been employed and was in training. She will be starting work on the island soon. Cr Greaney was asked when something would be done about the Picnic Bay toilets and she said it would be in this year’s budget. She was asked whether there had been any progress on creating a dump point for caravans etc and Cr Greaney said she and the Moyor had inspected possible sites and discussed strategy and she would get back to us when something was decided.

The matter of the Museum of Underwater Art and its relocation to Alma Bay provoked a lot of spirited discussion and it was decided to invite representatives of GBRMPA and the MOUA to the next meeting to address these perceived problems.

Cr Greaney reported no progress on the matter of public use of the swimming pool at the school. She said until a private lessor could be found to take it over nothing would change.

She was asked when something would be done about the appalling road surface between Nelly and Picnic Bays and she said resealing it would be the next project after the Arcadia/Horseshoe resealing. The matter of Kelly Street was raised by residents who are constantly disturbed by industrial traffic rattling over the uneven surface, particularly at night. She said she would investigate.

The meeting was then addressed by the two candidates for Herbert and questions were taken.

The next meeting will be on May 7, when the engineers will be present to answer our questions on the Horseshoe Bay Road and the Apjohn Street drainage, as well as representatives from GBRMPA and MOUA to elucidate on the Underwater Museum plans.

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