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Island No Closer To Having A Compliance Officer

Debbie Denison

Five years on and Magnetic Island is still without a compliance officer, this comes after TCC put out a tender back in November seeking a Magnetic Island Compliance Contractor.

TCC document states’ The Contractor will be responsible for general compliance services, including , but not limited to:

domestic animal control, Parking compliance, abandoned vehicle compliance, camping compliance and general compliance related matters’.

A spokesperson Townsville City Council told the MCN “Following feedback from the Magnetic Island community, in November Council issued a request for quotes from suitably qualified and experienced contractors to enhance regulatory compliance services on Magnetic Island. Two responses were received however neither of the applicants met all of the necessary requirements.”

The tender document also states ‘The contractor will work a regular total of 24 hours per week ( various days each week) and be on call, as service may be required outside of regular hours’.

Why the 2 responses council did receive, did not met all the requirements remains unclear.

The MCN understands that several residents looked at the tender document and decided that being on call 7 days a week, setting up insurances and the fact the contract was only for 12 months, it was not viable or worthwhile for them to apply.

The fact remains the island is still without a compliance officer and all of those duties that a compliance officer would complete - remain issues for Magnetic Island residents.

So where to from here? A spokesperson for Townsville City Council states “Council is currently considering other options to further enhance compliance with state and local laws on the island .”

Up until 5 years ago, we did have a very good resident compliance officer whom council stopped the funding for his contract. There is an old saying ‘If it ain’t broken don’t fix it…’

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