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Global connections key in new direction for Townsville

Council’s new corporate plan, which outlines the direction of the city for the next five years, has been formally adopted today.

Mayor Jenny Hill said the plan would drive the city forward with a focus on global connectivity and economic, environmental, and social sustainability.

“I am pleased to present a corporate plan that will guide Council’s operations in transforming our city with innovation and lifestyle at its core,” Cr Hill said.

“This plan is about ensuring our city continues to move forward and takes advantage of the opportunities presented in new industries such as renewable energy and education and research while maximising our potential in everything we do.”

The corporate plan is based around five key pillars:

  • a city that connects you to what you need at the time you choose;

  • a circular economy that advances business and moves towards zero waste;

  • the hub for modern industry

  • a sustainable destination that embraces and participates in the arts, sports, events, and recreational activities; and

  • a leading centre of education, training, and research commercialisation.

Cr Hill said the commitments made in the plan would ensure Council prioritises projects and initiatives that would create jobs and support locals.

“This plan was created off the back of feedback Council received in the liveability study conducted last year and through extensive consultation with industry and community groups,” she said.

“The values highlighted through this engagement process has allowed us to prioritise areas that have potential to drive job creation while supporting the Townsville lifestyle that makes this such a great place to live.

“This includes moving to zero waste by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2040 and exploring ways to maximise these industries to support our local economy.

“It also includes continuing to deliver quality services across the city such as our efficient waste collections, constructing and maintaining infrastructure, and having accessible libraries and galleries.

“I’d like to thank everyone involved in creating this plan and the community for providing feedback and participating in studies like the liveability survey.

“Our community is the core of everything we do, and this engagement has been crucial for guiding the creation of the Townsville 2021 – 2026 corporate plan.”

To view the Townsville 2021-2026 Plan, visit Council’s website here.

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