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Former Green Waste Site A Disgrace

Pictured above: Weeds clutter the fence line at former green waste site.

Debbie Denison

Picnic Bay residents are up in arms over the state of council owned land, the former Green Waste site in Picnic Bay. The site is currently full caster oil plants and other noxious weeds.

Pictured above: Caster oil plants are littered all over the site.

At the February MIRRA meeting Paul Wightman asked Cr. Greaney to have the area weeded as the plants have gone into Butler Creek stating the site was a disgrace.

At the same meeting the MCN suggested the TCC funded Reef Assist program could weed the area.

Four months on and the site is more over grown with TCC seemingly turning a blind eye.

Mr. Wightman told the MCN “It is just not good enough, surely if the site was cleared and revegetated, it could be irrigated with waste water from the Picnic Bay treatment plant.”

Currently TCC claims it has a surplus of waste water from the Picnic Bay treatment plant which is hindering further sewerage connections.

It remains unclear why MINCA are objecting to TCC releasing clean waste water on the council owned land of Lot 2, the land is adjacent to the treatment plant?

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